International Conference on Applied Statistics and Data Science 2025

Data-driven Solutions: Unlocking New Possibilities

December 27-28, 2025, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Organized by: Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT)

University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000


Today, we are witnessing a paradigm shift as technological advancements generate data in unprecedented volume, velocity, and variety ranging from structured to unstructured, wide to long, and everything in between. In an increasingly interconnected world where information is power, data has become the driving force behind innovation, progress, and decision-making. Data-driven solutions present immense opportunities to address challenges and unlock new possibilities across different sectors including industries, academia, and governance.  As organizations and societies transition to a more data-driven paradigm, the role of statistics and data science in deriving actionable insights from data has become inevitable and more crucial than ever.  The ongoing data revolution also demands changes in approaches to applied statistics and data science education by improving the curriculum to ensure that students acquire the indispensable skills needed to develop data-driven solutions, address challenges in the modern data landscape, and thrive in the data-centric world. 


Keeping this in mind, the Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, welcomes you to attend the International Conference on Applied Statistics and Data Science 2025 (ICASDS-2025), with the theme "Data-driven Solutions: Unlocking New Possibilities". The conference aims to bridge the gap between education and emerging industry demands, developing collaboration among educators, researchers, industry leaders, and related stakeholders, and fostering discussions on how to empower the next generation with the necessary tools and knowledge to harness the power of data effectively. Researchers, academicians, and representatives from business, industry, government, and non-government organizations are invited to participate in the event.


The main objectives of the conference are to


Scope of the Conference

The conference invites papers in all areas of statistics including the following: artificial intelligence, agricultural statistics; actuarial science; Bayesian methods; big data analytics; blockchain in data science; business analytics, bioinformatics; biostatistics; categorical data analysis; causal inference; clinical trials; data engineering; data mining; data science; data science cross-disciplines; data visualization tools; deep learning; demography; design of experiments; econometrics; environmental statistics; epidemiology; health care; image processing; impact evaluation; industrial statistics; longitudinal data analysis; machine learning, mathematical statistics; meta-analysis; medical statistics; multivariate methods; natural language processing; neural networks; nonparametric methods; official statistics; operations research; pharmaceutical statistics; predictive analytics; public health; quality control; resampling methods; sampling techniques; semi-parametric methods; signal processing; spatial and spatio-temporal modeling; statistical computing; statistical genetics; statistical measures of poverty; statistical modeling; sustainable development goals, stochastic models; survival analysis; time series analysis.